1MBD: Breaking news – Unseen leaked documents
Claims that Xavier Justo Blackmailed PetroSaudi International, Avoided paying Taxes and Was Involved with a Spanish Drug Cartel Recently Surfaced
Newly stories and leaked documents, that emerged over the past few weeks, showcases a complex web of allegations against the famous 1MDB scandal ‘Whistleblower’ Mr. Xavier Justo. These allegations include criminal conspiracy, extortion, tax evasion, political corruption, and money laundering for a Spanish Drug Cartel, all of which are categorically denied by Mr. Justo.

These newly leaked documents allege that Xavier Justo extorted his former employer, PetroSaudi International, by threatening to release a company database he had alledgly stolen from them. Justo was then paid 4 Million CHF as “severance” for his 11 months work as compensation and fired from the company. Despite receiving this large payment, Justo continued to demand another 2.5 Million CHF, or he would release the database he allegedly stole to the highest bidder. Justo was subsequently tried, convicted and sentenced for 3 years in a Thailand prison, as he resided in Thailand at the time of the alleged extortion. Justo spent 18 months in prison until unexpectedly being released in 2017, under a general amnesty granted to 30,000 criminals to celebrate the coronation of King Maha Vajiralongkorn. After Justo’s release, he confessed to providing this stolen database to the EDGE Media Group, an opposition media outlet in Malaysia who publicly “rewarded” Justo with an additional $2 Million USD for stealing the database. Altogether Xavier Justo received payments amounting to over $6.3 Million USD for his role in the 1MDB scandal.
These newly leaked documents have been made public: 1mdb-leaks.com
Additional story my team uncovered in the ‘wholetruths.org’ website details Xavier Justo’s connection to “ the Spanish drug cartel kingpin, José Alberto Aguín Magdalena (also known as ‘Rubio de Aios’), who in 2018 was indicted in Spain on criminal tax evasion, money laundering, and drug trafficking charges. Rubio de Aios was accused of developing a complex web of illegal real estate and property development projects for the well-known Spanish cartel boss Sito Miñanco who was also charged in the case. The pair, along with Sito Miñanco’s ex-wife and ex-sister in-law, were convicted of all charges by a Spanish Court in 2019.”
This story and DOJ document state that “in the mid-2000s, Xavier Justo started managing the bank accounts of Jose ‘Rubio de Aios’ Magdalena” and that “in 2006 Xavier Justo became the exclusive asset manager in Switzerland for the Galician drug empire controlled by de Rubio de Aios who was the front man for Miñanco”. Justo used several Swiss bank to launder the Cartel’s profits but in “early 2007” his main accounts at Pictet & Cie Bank in Geneva were investigated by “Swiss authorities (for) suspected tax evasion and money laundering activities”. The case resulted in a “US Department of Justice request for mutual legal assistance from the Swiss government”. (The official US DoJ request can be viewed in the article posted on wholetruths.org/exclusive-1mdb-scandal-whistleblower-connected-to-spanish-drug-cartel/). Swiss prosecutorial sources have subsequently confirmed that in the summer of 2007, Xavier Justo was arrested and briefly detained for over 18 hours by the Brigade Financière de Genéve, the financial law enforcement branch of the Canton of Geneva. Again in my conversation with Justo he was upset about this story and said its a complete lie.
The 1MBD scandal and the Xavier Justo case also made waves within the staunchly conservative Swiss legal system. A plethora of corruption and ‘conflict of interest’ allegations emerged against the former Swiss Attorney General at that time, Mr. Michael Lauber, who was coincidentally, investigating Xavier Justo for Economic espionage – a Swiss legal offense defined as ‘providing stolen data to a foreign entity’ such as the Malaysian Opposition the Edge Media Group who Justo sold the stolen database to. In this particular case Mr. Lauber had a major ‘conflict of interest’ issue due to fact that Justo’s lawyer is Mr. Christian Lüscher, a well-known Swiss Criminal Attorney and senior politician who had close ties to AG Lauber and was credited for orchestrating Lauber’s re-election last year. Giving the fact that this Swiss Attorney General Michael Lauber had his immunity removed this past August due to an ongoing criminal investigation against him involving corruption and kickbacks in FIFA: https://sportstar.thehindu.com/football/fifa-corupption-scandal-case-attorney-general-michael-lauber-immunity-removed/article32430028.ece does seem to be a pattern. Mr Justo refused to answer any questions about his lawyer, and said he is a friend that helped him and his family beyond imagination.
For the last six weeks I had several phone interviews with Xavier Justo and will be publishing details of these interviews in the near future. Please stay tuned for more breaking developments on this never-ending story.
Justin Chambers
For more info visit: xavier-justo.com Website